Monday 12 November 2012

Holograms & Ghosts

Here are some of the pictures of the holograms, as I was using a laptop I was unable to get a 360° view as the keyboard was getting in the way.  With these ones of the fist I also realized after I'd taken the photos and videos that some of the photos are facing the wrong way so it doesn't look like you're looking around the hand the way it should. 
I haven't figured out yet how I could display my holograms other than setting up a computer monitor in the dark for people to look at.

I made some with glow sticks but I didn't really like them as they're not very interesting.
I took more videos of the flowers too but I'm still not completely happy with them because I had to use the laptop which got in the way and the camera was also a tiny bit shaky. A few people have mentioned to me that the flowers kind of look like/remind them of fireworks.
I made an 8 sided hologram generator too. I wasn't sure if it would work, keeping the same angles but it did.  When I took the photo below I had forgotten to turn the flash off on my camera but I thought the picture was still interesting because of the way the flash reflected off the plastic which also reflected off the screen. I think the reflections on the screen in this picture look kind of celestial, which I really liked.

I made the hologram of the hand waving by taking pictures of a hand waving from four different angles. I think it turned out alright. 

The hologram images reminded me of ghost images which I thought was interesting as the holograms are made using reflections and I have read a lot of superstitions relating to reflections or mirrors which often involve ghosts or spirits.
Some people used to be afraid of looking in a mirror at night in case they would see a ghost. Others believe that mirrors are portals for the dead or the devil or that they are a prison for spirits or souls which get trapped in them and you can capture a ghost using a mirror. Some people also believe you can contact the dead using mirrors. I wonder if these ideas have anything to do with how reflections look in transparent surfaces?

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