Monday 26 November 2012

Ghost Photograpy

I created a ghost effect when taking photos by using a slow shutter speed on my camera, dim lighting and moving out of the picture while it was still being taken. It took a while for me to get the lighting right as when it was too bright, the image was too faded for me to be able to use it on a mirror. 

The photos worked best when I used the light from the hallway coming through the door.  I chose clothes an tulle that created good effects for movement.  The tulle gives the effect of an aura surrounding the figure. I edited the photos and applied different effects to them with Photoshop. Then I put them onto mirrors.

The chrome effect on this image looks like the figure is melting out of or coming out of the mirror, like something emerging from a mirror dimension.  This has given me the idea to make something like this in relief. 

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