Friday 5 October 2012

Mirror Illusions

I took some photos demonstrating how mirrors create the illusion of space.

 This picture of my hand reflected in a mirror could be misinterpreted as two hands reaching towards each other.

I came across a good way to make an infinity mirror illusion similar to when you place two mirrors opposite each other but without having two mirrors. I'd like to see of this would also work if both the mirrors were one way.

I'm also curious about The strange-face-in-the-mirror illusion I remember having similar effects to this when I've seen my reflection in the dark and I wonder if it would be possible to document it through drawing as obviously it can't be recorded by video as it is a trick of the eyes.

I did some drawings of clothing incorporating mirrors. Bands of curved mirror could be placed around the body and in a completely one coloured room it would appear as though parts of the body were missing and parts were floating.

 This dress would make it look as though a hole had been blown out of the wearers side.