Thursday 25 October 2012

Holograms with reflections-plans

I came across a video that shows how to make a kind of hologram using clear plastic, paper and a phone screen. The 'hologram generator' uses reflections to create an illusion of a floating object within it and as I have been looking at illusions created by reflections I found this quite interesting. I want to try variations of it such as a larger one using a computer monitor or a projector/light box. I also want to see what will happen if I use more than four sides or if I were to make it conical and have the image in a continuous circle instead of multiple views of an image. Another idea I have is to make films or gifs of the same thing from four different angles to make a moving hologram but for this I would need access to at least four cameras and tripods at once.

Monday 22 October 2012


 I wanted to see if I could make it look like part of my body was missing by using reflective
materials the way I've shown in my previous drawings. I tried it out by using tinfoil and cardboard
and although the result isn't perfect unless you look with your eyes blurred I plan to go ahead and see if it turns out better with mirrored plastic.
I used black paper so there wouldn't be reflections of the studio on the foil.

When I took the photos of the belt I didn't have a fully one coloured room available to
me but the results make me think it would work properly in a completely white room.

Here are some reflections of my hands to make odd bodies/faces.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mirror Image

I mirrored and repeated some of the images of the photos I took.

Because the reflected ears made heart shapes I changed the colour
to red to emphasize that.

Some of the repeated images made kind of abstract patterns in which it's not
obvious what the source image was.

Eye Reflections

Reflection of my camera in my phone screen

 I took photos of reflections in my eyes, the reflections came out clearer with the flash on
but the eye came out clearer without it.

When I was taking the pictures of my eye I noticed that there is a delay in the camera screen
which made it look as if I were blinking each eye at different times and it look kind of funny
so I decided to record it.

Friday 12 October 2012

Experimenting with symmetry with reflections

By holding a mirror perpendicular to my face I was able to see what my face would look like
if it was symmetrical.

Looking away from the mirror made it look like my eyes were looking
in opposite directions.

This looks like a neck with a head at either end.

Two faces!

Reflecting my ear made a heart shape.

You can barely tell there's a mirror here at all.

This looks like two legs together but it's really just one reflected.