Sunday, 17 March 2013

Beginning Fashion!

We started the week getting used to the sewing machines and learning to use them for those who hadn't sewn before.  We were also given the brief for the project we're currently working on.  The project is based on fabric manipulation to create texture and pattern. 

On Tuesday for knit we had a lace making workshop.  We had some people from Kenmare lace to teach us and talk to us a bit about the background and history of kenmare lace. They also showed us examples of different kinds of lace.  

Here are a few examples that they showed us.  I thought they were really beautiful and the amount of work that goes into them is just incredible.  After learning the stitches and a couple of hours work all I had done was about 3cm!  

Hopefully I'll be able to get better at it so I can enter the competition for the Kenmare lace festival in October.  It seems like a nice project to take on and the prize of a two day corsetry workshop in London is something I'd be really interested in learning about.

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